Provider Resources


  • Omega-3’s help lower triglycerides. Here is one of many studies supporting this claim. FYI, many such studies use doses of > 3 gm/day of omega-3’s (fish oil).  




Eating Disorders




  • The Dietary Supplement Label Database (DSLD) is a joint project of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) and National Library of Medicine (NLM).  The DSLD contains the full label contents from a sample of dietary supplement products marketed in the U.S.




  •  Vitamin D: An Evidence-Based Review;    Teresa Kulie, MD, Amy Groff, DO, Jackie Redmer, MD, MPH, Jennie Hounshell, MD, and Sarina Schrager, MD, MS.    J Am BoardFam Med 2009;22:698 –706. 



